A comic trilogy based on David Jan Žák bestseller The Return of the King of Šumava. It is a few years after the war and Šumava reminds us of the Wild West, a no-man's land, an El Dorado of adventurers, secret agents, smugglers of goods and people. A restless district of SNB and border guards trying to establish the rules of the new regime. Like a magnet, it attracts dramatic destinies. But one stands out. Josef Hasil first helps guard the border in the uniform of the SNB, only to become its most feared rival after February 1948, whom the STB agents would later call the King of Šumava. In the deep woods, on the moors, as well as in interrogation rooms and prison camps, everywhere a thrilling story of family, one friendship, courage, loyalty and betrayal takes place. The dangerous game of life begins, a fierce duel between outlaw and man.
Karel Osoha is one of the leading Czech comics authors. He drew attention to himself with his webcomic Plíč, which parodies Japanese action stories. His album Czechs 1948: How the Communist Party seized power won him the Muriel Award for best cartoonist. His illustrations for the title Dust and the first part of the comic trilogy The Return of the King of Šumava were nominated for the Czech Grand Design.
Ondřej Kavalír is an editor, dramaturg and translator. He collaborated on Alois Nebel (2012, European Film Award for Best Animated Film of the Year). He translated the cult comic Rudo into Czech and won the Muriel Award (2015). As a translator and editor, he has contributed to a number of award-winning comic and book projects at Labyrint Publishing. Since 2008, he has been the dramaturge of the Prague Literature Night.
Vojtěch Mašek is an artist, comic and movie scriptwriter. He is the co-author (with Džian Baban) of the comic trilogy Monstrkabaret Fred Brunold Presents (2004-2008), Pandemonium or the History of the Neighbourhood (2008), Hanka (2009), In the Shadow of the Sumava Woods (2011, artist J. Grus). He worked on the comics O przyibjehi (2010), Chyba (2011) and Svatá Barbora (2016), Sisters Dietl (2016). He is currently finishing his first feature movie Arvéd.